Discover Alaska’s History…
…in the buildings, bridges, and boats of the past. Structures from Alaska’s colorful history tell a priceless story. If not preserved, these stories will be lost to all of us — now and for future generations.
The Alaska Association for Historic Preservation is dedicated to finding a way to preserve these vital links and visible reminders of Alaska’s past.
Is the Preservation of Alaska’s Past Important to You?
Yes! Alaska’s visible history is rapidly disappearing. Neglect, disrepair and Alaska’s severe weather conditions are all taking their toll.
You Can Make a Difference
We urge you to join us in advocating and protecting Alaska’s threatened heritage.
The Preservation Alaska (dba AAHP) has several established programs that help it meet its goals of historic preservation and education.
All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law. We recommend that you consult your CPA or Tax Attorney regarding donations.